Autor Thema: How to Customise Notifications?  (Gelesen 3949 mal)


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How to Customise Notifications?
« am: 28.06.2017, 11:31:01 »

Does anyone out there know how to customise notifications with this app? I would like to have specific notifications tailored to each location - for instance, train station names, landmarks, and so on.

Any idea how this might be done?



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    • EgiGeoZone
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Re: How to Customise Notifications?
« Antwort #1 am: 28.06.2017, 16:58:55 »
Hi Paul,

the notifications can´t be customized in meaning of LED color, sound or vibration. It uses the standard notification sound and vibration settings.
If you switch the notifications on in the App settings, then it will notify you when you enter or leave a zone with the zones name, like "train station abc entered".

Is your question now answered?


Schöne Grüße


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Re: How to Customise Notifications?
« Antwort #2 am: 29.06.2017, 10:34:31 »
Thanks, Egmont. I was hoping for specific notifications that I could record or programme. As a new train driver on a complicated, difficult mountain line, I would really like to be able to geofence some of my route so that I get better advance warning of certain low-speed curves and badly located stations. I am sure I can figure out a way to make it work, though a proper plugin for that purpose would be great.


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    • EgiGeoZone
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Re: How to Customise Notifications?
« Antwort #3 am: 29.06.2017, 16:36:51 »
As a new train driver on a complicated, difficult mountain line, I would really like to be able to geofence some of my route so that I get better advance warning of certain low-speed curves and badly located stations.
Wow - thats an interesting job and a nice idea!
I was hoping for specific notifications that I could record or programme.
No it does not record a route. But you could on each point add a new zone and then add the current location over the menu.
I am sure I can figure out a way to make it work, though a proper plugin for that purpose would be great.
Yes, a plugin is the best solution for you, but I will not do it :-)

Schöne Grüße


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Re: How to Customise Notifications?
« Antwort #4 am: 26.07.2017, 16:43:50 »

Does anyone out there know how to customise notifications with this app? I would like to have specific notifications tailored to each location - for instance, train station names, landmarks, and so on.

Any idea how this might be done?


Hi, I don't know if I understood it correctly ...

You would like to define different locations ..

location 1 (station xxx)  --> entering location 1: play sound 1
location 2 (landmark xxx) --> entering location 2: play sound 2
location 3( ...) --> entering ... : play sound 3

At first you need to define each location as a zone in the app. This is the easy part.

As you have the option to call tasks in a app called "tasker" I see one solution in using that functionality. You need to define a "profile for more actions". There you can enter the tasker tasks ... sounds difficult but it isn't

Setup above with tasker:

location 1 (station xxx)  --> entering location 1: "profile for further actions" 1: tasker-task play sound 1 located on SDCARD/xxx/sound1
location 2 (landmark xxx) --> entering location 2: "profile for further actions" 2: tasker-task play sound 2 located on SDCARD/xxx/sound2
location 3( ...)

Playing sound is just one option. You can do lot's of things in tasker. Playing sounds, playing ringtones, showing pop-up ... just check tasker manual. Or order in the playstoreand check  (unfortunately it is not a free app) . As far as I know you can cancel the playstore transaction within 1 hour ... it could be enough for an initial test.

Please do a proper testing otherwise you will forget to stop at your train stations and the passengers will be pissed :)

Music Play

Play a sound file from the SD card.

File is the path to the file on the SD card e.g. Music/wow.mp3

If Loop is selected, the playback will restart when it reaches the end of the file.

Start specifies how many seconds into the track to begin playing.

You can stop the playback before it is finished with the Stop Music action.

You can start playback from the start by repeating the action

Playback has been tested with 3gp, mp3 and wma formats.

See Also: variable Music Track.


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Re: How to Customise Notifications?
« Antwort #5 am: 21.08.2017, 13:51:18 »

Thank you so much for your very helpful and detailed answer. My sincerest apologies for not responding earlier. I hadn't logged in since the previous poster's response.

I will certainly give Tasker a go. I've just bought and downloaded it on your recommendation and will see how things work out. As you say, I'll definitely troubleshoot it before leaving my poor passengers on the platform!

Kind regards