
EgiGeoZone Forum



Bluetooth version (Betatest closed)

This version is not maintained anymore!

Here you can download the  Bluetooth version: EgiGeoZoneBT

Supported beacons are only altBeacons, iBeacons and Eddystone beacons.

If you are not using beacons, then better use the app EgiGeoZone, which is using less battery.


24.03.2018 - Version 1.2.9

Version 1.2.9:
- New AltBeacon Api 2.13.1
- Bugfixing: Error at import

09.03.2018 - Version 1.2.8

Version 1.2.8:
- Bug fixing: If the fallback server was used, the name of the fallback server profile was used instead of the zone name

02.03.2018 - Version 1.2.7

Version 1.2.7:
- The following variables are now also provided to the EgiGeoZone Telegram Plugin:

08.01.2018 - Version 1.2.6

Version 1.2.6:
- When a server profile with a tracking url is selected, then a hint to start tracking is shown
- New AltBeacon API 2.12.4

25.11.2017 - Version 1.2.5

Version 1.2.5:
- When using GCM, do not ask for "Get Accounts" permission anymore
- Bugfixing

17.11.2017 - Version 1.2.4

Version 1.2.4:
- Bugfixing in creating a beacon zone

05.11.2017 - Version 1.2.3 (Beta BT)

Version 1.2.3 (Beta BT):
- Add profiles directly from zone settings
- Server retrys limited to 5
- New Pathsense API
- New AltBeacon API 2.12.3

12.10.2017 - Version 1.2.2 (Beta BT)

Version 1.2.2 (Beta BT):
- In the Location Tracking settings now you can Stop all trackings, when entering or exiting one of the zones

08.10.2017 - Version 1.2.1 (Beta BT)

Version 1.2.1 (Beta BT):
- Bugfixing: Plugins were called even the conditions were not true.
- Bugfixing: Tracking settings

24.09.2017 - Version 1.2.0 (Beta BT)

Version 1.2.0 (Beta BT):
- Sound and media sound now separate adjustable
- Android 8.0 bug fixing for Bluetooth Scanning API

23.09.2017 - Version 1.1.9 (Beta BT)

Version 1.1.9 (Beta BT):
- Repaired Export to GDrive and others for Android 8
- Faster BT ranging

07.09.2017 - Version 1.1.8 (Beta BT)

Version 1.1.8 (Beta BT):
- Main menu: show all Geozones on map.

04.09.2017 - Version 1.1.7 (Beta BT)

Version 1.1.7 (Beta BT):
- New Pathsense lib
- Optimized log messages

03.09.2017 - Version 1.1.6 (Beta BT)

Version 1.1.6 (Beta BT):
- Optional: save a wifi hotspot into the zone for better results. Only at exiting a zone. "Ignore false reports" must be activated.
- Optimized permission dialogs

13.08.2017 - Version 1.1.5 (Beta BT)

Version 1.1.5(Beta BT):
- Optimized BT-Scanning and dialog
- Added MAC address at Bluetooth zone
- Timeout in minutes for deactivating BT-Scanning (0 = immediate)
- Bugfixing

08.08.2017 - Version 1.1.4 (Beta BT)

Version 1.1.4 (Beta BT):
- Bugfixing

07.08.2017 - Version 1.1.3 (Beta BT)

Version 1.1.3 (Beta BT):
- Bugfixing Tracking and optimized ignoring false/positives

15.07.2017 - Version 1.1.2 (Beta BT)

Version 1.1.2 (Beta BT):
- Ignore false geofence reports (false positives/negatives)
- FHEM: Support for csrf-Token (only FHEM-URL)
- Whitelisting app (battery optimization)
- Bugfixing

11.07.2017 - Version 1.1.1 (Beta BT)

Version 1.1.1 (Beta BT):
- Not published

11.06.2017 - Version 1.1.0 (Beta BT)

Version 1.1.0 (Beta BT):
- Repair Retrys for Android 7
- Some technical info
- Test of "more profile"
- Bugfixing

10.03.2017 - Version 1.0.9 (Beta BT)

Version 1.0.9 (Beta BT):
- Only for developer: introduced ContentProvider for getting the zone names from the main app. Useful in plugins.

22.02.2017 - Version 1.0.8 (Beta BT)

Version 1.0.8 (Beta BT):
- Start/stop Beaconscanner from "More Actions"
- Repaired start/stop vibration in "More Actions"

09.02.2017 - Version 1.0.7 (Beta BT)

Version 1.0.7 (Beta BT):
- Added Privacy Policy

05.02.2017 - Version 1.0.6 (Beta BT)

Version 1.0.6 (Beta BT):
- Bugfixing at change of beacon scan periods

04.02.2017 - Version 1.0.5 (Beta BT)

Version 1.0.5 (Beta BT):
- Fixed export/import tracking settings
- Configurable permanent notification
- Improved Dutch language. Thanks Paul!

26.01.2017 - Version 1.0.4 (Beta BT)

Version 1.0.4 (Beta BT):
- Fixed export/import

24.01.2017 - Version 1.0.3 (Beta BT)

Version 1.0.3 (Beta BT):
- Fixed Beacon Zone lights, when triggered by a geozone
- Beacon periods settings
- Moved accuracy to new dialog
- New encryption algorithm used at export/import, because Google removed the old one with Android 7+
If you import an older export file, you have to reenter your passwords in the server and email profiles, because the encrypting algoritm has changed!
- STARTSSL for emails
- Set fences at boot and update
- You may change now the base app colors in the settings

13.01.2017 - Version 1.0.2 (Beta BT)

Version 1.0.2 (Beta BT):
- Fixed Google Geofencing
- New: Now a Bluetooth zone may be triggered by a Geofence zone. After the BT event the monitoring is stopped.

09.01.2017 - Version 1.0.1 (Beta BT)

Version 1.0.1 (Beta BT):
- First deploy.

The beta version with Bluetooth detection is provided as a stand-alone version.
Therefore, I will remove the current version 2.5.9 from the Google Play Store and move the app EgiGeoZoneBT stand-alone into the Play Store.
To avoid losing any data, you must export the configuration in the old/current version and then import the configuration after installing the new version.

Here you can find the new App:

13.01.2017 - Version 2.5.9 (Beta)

Version 2.5.9 (Beta):
- Nachricht, dass die App eigenständig wird.

19.10.2016 - Version 2.5.8 (Beta)

Version 2.5.8 (Beta):
- Bugfixing

17.10.2016 - Version 2.5.7 (Beta)

Version 2.5.7 (Beta):
-- Optimizations
- Fixed crash at boot with no location is set
- Wallpaper in navigation header
- Bugfixing

08.10.2016 - Version 2.5.6 (Beta)

Version 2.5.6 (Beta):
- Optimizations

24.09.2016 - Version 2.5.5 (Beta)

Version 2.5.5 (Beta):
- Now shows distance to fences. Swipe down to refresh
- Fixed an issue with GCM

31.08.2016 - Version 2.5.4 (Beta)

Version 2.5.4: (Beta)
- Now for tests the real coordinates and accuracy is used

23.08.2016 - Version 2.5.3 (Beta)

Version 2.5.3: (Beta)
- Repaired menus. The glasses symbol is now the new test button.

21.08.2016 - Version 2.5.2 (Beta)

Version 2.5.2: (Beta)
- Bug in server retrys, when zone was deleted

20.08.2016 - Version 2.5.1 (Beta)

Version 2.5.1: (Beta)
- Bugfixing

19.08.2016 - Version 2.5.0 (Beta)

Version 2.5.0: (Beta)
- Now you may switch between Google and PathSense. This are two kinds of geofence recognition APIs
- PathSense requires the radius 50 meters or more
- New modern material design
- Now you may update all field except the name of a zone. If you change the name, then a new zone will be saved - like a copy
- Geofences and Bluetooth fences are now listed in own lists
- Introduced new variables. See manual.
- Tracking can now use variables for email and server calls. They are not fix anymore
- Map shows now to north
- Profile and zone lists are now sorted alphabetically
- Hidden zones not supported any more

08.08.2016 - Version 2.3.7 (Beta)

Version 2.3.7: (Beta)
- Bugfixing

29.07.2016 - Version 2.3.6 (Beta)

Version 2.3.6: (Beta)
- Bugfixing

26.07.2016 - Version 2.3.5 (Beta)

Version 2.3.5: (Beta)
- Experimental: Switch between Google Geofence Service and Pathsense API. See settings in the App. Pathsense says, that they are better then Google.
- Reset status of all Geofences to red/exited. Important, when you are captured between more zones.
- No migration to db anymore (as for versions <= 1.5.5)

21.05.2016 - Version 2.3.4 (Beta)

Version 2.3.4: (Beta)
- Removed GPS-Polling
- Tips at start
- Improved location tracking

23.04.2016 - Version 2.3.3 (Beta)

Version 2.3.3: (Beta)
- Moved tracking URL to server profile. Now with SSL.
- Bugfixing

17.04.2016 - Version 2.3.2 (Beta)

Version 2.3.2: (Beta)
- Tracking improved
- Introduced new variable ${accuracy} (only for tracking)

12.04.2016 - Version 2.3.1 (Beta)

Version 2.3.1: (Beta)
- Introduced Live Tracking

09.04.2016 - Version 2.3.0 (Beta)

Version 2.3.0: (Beta)
- Bugfixing

08.04.2016 - Version 2.2.9 (Beta)

Version 2.2.9: (Beta)
- Code optimized
- Permissions dialogs from Android 6.
- Fast scrolling when showing log files.
- From Android 6: Google Backup function.
- App version is now logged

16.02.2016 - Version 2.2.8 (Beta)

Version 2.2.8:
- Permissions dialog on map (Android 6)
- New variable ${transitionType} means 1 for enter and 0 for exit
- Repaired AndroidId and DeviceId variables. Now as UUID.
- Do not call enter or exit URL, when not filled

xx.02.2016 - Version 2.2.7 (Beta)

Version 2.2.7: not deployed

15.02.2016 - Version 2.2.6 (Beta)

Version 2.2.6:
- Bugfixing

14.02.2016 - Version 2.2.5 (Beta)

Version 2.2.5:
- Introduced new variables date, real longitude and real latitude:
- Bugfixing

27.01.2016 - Version 2.2.4 (Beta)

Version 2.2.4:
- Support for Eddystone beacons
- Bugfixing

20.01.2016 - Version 2.2.3 (Beta)

Version 2.2.3:
- Radius can now be adjusted in the map
- Now you may set coordinates for beacons too. They are sent to the server for informativ reason.
- New: Alias for zones. If specified, then the alias will be sent to the server or in the variables instead of the zone name.

18.01.2016 - Version 2.2.2 (Beta)

Version 2.2.2:
- Nothing new

06.01.2016 - Version 2.2.1 (Beta)

Version 2.2.1:
- Reintroduced accuracy

03.01.2016 - Version 2.2.0 (Beta)

Version 2.2.0:
- Introducing Beacons as fences. Similar to Geofences.
- Permissions for Android 6.0